Abigail Fleming


Read about Abigail Fleming’s progression from Longford College of Further Education to second year of the Higher Certificate in Business in AIT.

Student Name – Abigail Fleming

Institute: Athlone Institute of Technology

Course: Direct Entry to 2nd Year Higher Certificate in Business from LCFE

I attended Longford College of Further Education for two years. I studied Business Administration Level 5 and Level 6 Higher Certificate in Business Year 1 (Advanced Business 6).  Originally, my plan was to study Forensic Science in Sligo I.T.  After not receiving enough CAO points, my career guidance teacher advised me to go to Longford College to do a PLC course, which would give me enough points to do the course. After successfully completing my Business Administration Level 5, I decided that I actually wanted to study Business so I progressed onto the Higher Certificate in Business Year 1.  I really enjoyed the course modules from Spreadsheets, Finance, Economics, Business Management, Customer Service and Marketing Management.

Longford College of Further Education was a great stepping stone for me and without Longford College of Further Education, I am certain I would not be in the position I am today. I want to thank everyone in Longford College of Further Education for all their help and guidance over my two years in the college.  After I graduate this year with my Higher Certificate in Business, I am eligible to join the Bachelor of Business (Level 7) in Athlone Institute of Technology.

I would definitely recommend Longford College of Further Education for anyone who is unsure about their college course after the completion of their Leaving Cert. or for anyone who wishes to upskill. They have a wide range of fantastic courses on offer.